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Air Pollution


Chemicals and waste



Environmental governance

Climate change



Oceans and seas
Indicator NameValueUnitYear  Graph  
  Primary forest, Thousand hectares   0       Thousand hectares       2017   
  Primary forest, % forest   0       % of forest area       2017   
  Primary forest, change/yr   0       % change per annum       2017   
  Threatened species, Mammals   30       Number of species       2018   
  Threatened species, Birds   44       Number of species       2018   
  Threatened species, Fishes   74       Number of species       2018   
  Threatened species, Reptiles   10       Number of species       2014   
  Threatened species, Amphibians   10       Number of species       2014   
  Threatened species, Molluscs   17       Number of species       2014   
  Threatened species, Plants   243       Number of species       2018   
  Threatened species, Other inverts   67       Number of species       2014   
  Threatened species, total   463       Number of species       2014   
  Primary forest, % forest land   0       % of land area       2017   
  Ocean Health Index   63       Index       2019   
  OHI, Species
  OHI, Biodiversity
  OHI, Habitats
  OHI, Coastal Protection
  OHI, Iconic Species
  No of Parties to Nagoya Protocol   1       Number       2014   
  Marine KBAs completely covered by protected areas, Mid-point   43       Percentage       2020   
  Terrestrial KBAs completely covered by protected areas (SDG 15.1.2)   34       Percentage       2020   
  Freshwater KBAs completely covered by protected areas (SDG 15.1.2)   37       Percentage       2020   
  Mountain KBAs completely covered by protected areas (SDG 15.4.1), Mid-point   36       Percentage       2020   
  Red List Index (SDG 15.5.1)   0.8       Index       2021   
  NBSAP targets alignment with Aichi Biodiversity target 9 (1 = YES, 0 = NO)   0       Number       2020   
  Number of countries with National DRR Strategy aligned with Sendai Framework
  Plant breeds with sufficient genetic resources stored, number (SDG 2.5.1)   51405       Number       2020   
  Proportion of local breeds at risk as share of local breeds at known level of extinction, % (SDG 2.5.2)   0       Percentage       2021   
  Countries that established national targets in accordance with ABT 2 of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 in their NBSAP (SDG 15.9.1.a)   1       Number       2021   
  Countries with no national target reflecting ABT 2
  Countries with national target exists, but moving away from it
  Countries with national target exists, but no progress
  Countries with national target exists and progress is there, but at as insufficient rate   1       Number       2021   
  Countries with national target exists and progress is on track to achieve it
  Countries with national target exists and progress is on track to exceed it
  Countries with integrated biodiversity values into NA (SDG 15.9.1.b)   1       Number       2017