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Oceans and seas
Indicator NameValueUnitYear  Graph  
  Marine areas protected EEZ, Km2   857       Km2       2020   
  Marine areas protected EEZ (SDG 14.5.1), %   0.8       % of territorial water       2020   
  Ocean Health Index   63       Index       2019   
  OHI, Artisanal Fishing Opportunity
  OHI, Species
  OHI, Biodiversity
  OHI, Habitats
  OHI, Coastal Protection
  OHI, Carbon Storage
  OHI, Clean Waters
  OHI, Economies
  OHI, Livelihoods and Economies
  OHI, Livelihoods
  OHI, Fisheries
  OHI, Food Provision
  OHI, Mariculture
  OHI, Iconic Species
  OHI, Sense of Place
  OHI, Lasting Special Places
  OHI, Natural Products
  OHI, Tourism and Recreation   23       Index       2019   
  MTI, Catch sum   16548       Index       2014   
  MTI, Expansion factor   6.2       Index       2014   
  MTI, Fishing-in-Balance (FiB)   1.8       Index       2014   
  MTI, Mean max length   118       Index       2014   
  MTI, Mean trophic level   3.7       Index       2014   
  MTI, Catch smoothed   13953       Index       2014   
  MTI, Marine Trophic Index smoothed   3.5       Index       2014   
  Region based Marine Trophic Index (RMTI)
  Total Marine Area   112400       Km2       2016   
  Mangroves (Thousand hectares)   18       Thousand hectares       2018   
  Mangroves (% of land area)   0       % of land area       2018   
  Children under 5 years with fever who received antimalarial treatment (%)   23       % of children under 5       2007   
  Fisheries production (Total)   138524       tonnes       2018   
  Fisheries capture (Total)   123000       tonnes       2018   
  Stocks fished at biologically sustainable levels (%)
  Stocks fished at biologically unsustainable levels (%)
  Sustainable fish stocks, % (SDG 14.4.1)
  Research on sustainable marine technology, % (SDG 14.a.1)
  Degree of implementation of IICIUUF, level of implementation: 1 lowest to 5 highest (SDG 14.6.1)   3       Number       2020   
  National EEZ managed using ecosystem-based approaches (SDG 14.2.1)
  Average marine acidity by country, pH (SDG 14.3.1)   7.9       Average marine acidity (pH)       2020